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Maori Tohunga

In the culture of the Māori of New Zealand, a Tohunga is an expert practitioner of any skill or art, either religious or otherwise. Tohunga include expert priests, healers, navigators, carvers, builders, teachers and advisors.

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Te Takarangi

The Takarangi is an intersecting double spiral pattern that signifies humanity’s celestial origin born at the beginning of the Universe. 

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The Mystery of the Korotangi

In the heart of Maori history lies a mysterious relic, 'The Korotangi,' a sacred and remarkable stone bird that embarked on an extraordinary journey from the ancient homeland of Hawaiki to Aotearoa. Carved from a green mineral known as serpentine, originating from China and Indonesia, this enigmatic artifact has captured the imagination of scholars and enthusiasts alike. In this blog post, we delve into the intriguing tale of Korotangi, its origins, significance, and the mystical role it played in the lives of the Maori people. The Origins and Material:The Korotangi, measuring 10.25 inches (26.5 cms) and weighing 4 lb (1.81kg), is a testament to craftsmanship beyond the knowledge of the Pacific people. Carved with metal tools unfamiliar to the Maori,...

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Tikis in Maori Culture

You probably have seen tikis in popular culture, movies, and on your tropical vacations before, but do you know the story behind these items? The tikis are steeped in rich native history that not many people know about. Let's take a look at their origins, the different types, and their significance to Maori culture. What is a Tiki?
The term 'Tiki' is generally used to describe a carved human-like figure traditionally worn around the neck by both by the New Zealand Maori and other polynesians. Many believe that the name 'tiki' comes from the myth of Tiki, who was the first man created by Tane. The full name is Hei-tiki. 'Hei' means to wear around the neck. In Maori culture, Hei Tikis are treated as family heirlooms and...

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Maori 'Ta Moko' Tattoo

While most tattoos are meaningful and carry a history, not many contemporary versions can compete with the tradition and symbolic nature of the Ta Moko tattoos. These tattoos are unique to the Maori people in New Zealand, and tribal members have donned these pieces for centuries. You probably know these tattoos for their unique spiral designs that fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Both men and women would receive these tattoos, with men having them on their thighs, buttocks, and face. Women were limited to designs on their lips and chin, and the designs typically represented love or marriage-eligibility. Tattoos with a Deeper MeaningWhile modern tattooing involves puncturing the skin and injecting an ink or dye, Maori moko tattoos...

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